The presence of the Alveolinidae, Peneroplidae and Miliolidae families, which represent the inner platform sediments of Eocene has been rarely reported in the Mediterranean countries and Turkey up to now. The following fossil assemblage Praebullalveolina afyonica Sirel & Acar, Praerhapydionina huberi Henson,Peneroplis damesini Henson, Peneroplis aff. laevigatus d'Orbingy, Spirolina aff. cylindracea Lamarck, Nummulites striatus (Bruguiere), Gyroidinella magna (Le Calvez), Asterigerina rotula (Kaufmann), Halkyardia minima (Liebus) and Miliolidae have described from the Upper Eocene inner platform sediments around Alatarla, NW Elazığ, E. Turkey. Systematic description and picture of the Anatolian form and the unique alveolinid, Praebullalveolina afyonica. Sirel & Acar, of Upper Eocene sediments and also, some pictures of the species, which are only characterized by the Middle-Upper Eocene sequence, have been given.



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