The tectonic regime of Eastern Anatolia is determined by Arabian-Eurasian continentcontinent convergence and the mechanism occurred with the convergence. North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ), Eastern Anatolian Fault Zone (EAFZ), North Eastern Anatolian Faults and Bitlis Zagros Suture Zone are formed by this convergence, represent the characteristic of lithospheric structure of the region. In the scope of this study, the gravity anomalies of Eastern Anatolia were used for investigating the lithospheric structure. Firstly, second order trend analyses were applied to gravity data for examining the characteristic of the anomaly. Later, the vertical and horizontal derivatives methods were applied to the same data. Generally, the purpose of the applying derivative methods is determining the vertical and horizontal borders of the structure. Therefore, this method gives the opinion about the characteristic of the lithospheric structure of the study region. According to the results of derivative methods, the structure transitions were increased rather especially with Bitlis Zagros Suture Zone. At the last step, the gravity studies were evaluated together with the seismic activity of the region. Consequently, the geodynamical structure of the region is examined with the previous studies done in the region.


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