Examining the Fourth Grade Turkish Textbook and Classroom Teachers’ In-class Practices in Vocabulary Teaching
Examining the Fourth Grade Turkish Textbook and Classroom Teachers’ In-class Practices in Vocabulary Teaching
This study was conducted to identify the activities aimed at improving vocabulary included
in the fourth grade Turkish course and textbook, the opinions of classroom teachers in this
regard, the strategies, practices and activities they used for this purpose, and the time they
spent on this in the teaching-learning process. The research was carried out as a case study,
one of the qualitative research designs. In the data collection process of this study, an
activity identification table was used for examining the Turkish textbook, a structured
observation form was used for classroom observations, and a semi-structured interview
form was used for interviews with the participants. Descriptive analysis and content
analysis techniques were used for data analysis. As a result of the study, it was determined
that the distribution of activities in the textbook, which is acknowledged as one of the
important tools for supporting the development of vocabulary, varied depending on basic
language skills. It was concluded that in the Turkish course teaching process, teachers
included 14 different activities related to vocabulary instruction, using 19 different
methods, techniques and strategies, in line with the textbook. The results obtained from the
observations and interviews revealed that teachers did not have adequate knowledge about
the methods, techniques and strategies that they used to improve vocabulary, and that
therefore, they were unable to appropriately use the implementation steps required for the
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