İslâm Düşüncesinin Gelişiminde Tercüme Faaliyetlerinin Rolü

The Role Translations in the Development of Islamic Thought

After two centuries of studies, finally, in the last few decades, a new approach to the problem of translation and its relations with the Islamic civilization has emerged. In general, the dynamics of a scientific revolution must be intrinsic to a culture. Therefore they cannot be acquired solely through translation. This, on the other hand, does, of course, not mean that cultures cannot exchange elements with one another. Accordingly, the roots of science and philosophy in Islam come from its own cultural background, not from Greek or any other civilization. What we investigate here is the impact of the Antique Aegean (i.e Greek) civilization on the Islamic one. We must make a distinction between the origin of a revolution and the influence of another culture on the ongoing revolution. This approach has caused many problems about historical studies on the Islamic thought. Here, in my paper I try to show some of the results of this approach which was first formulated by such people as Rosenthal, Langhade, Dimitriu; and finally I attempt to draw a philosophical perspective on the problem of translation.


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