Okullarda Stratejik Planlama Algısı Ölçeği ile Stratejik Planlama Uygulamalarını Değerlendirme Ölçeğinin Geliştirilmesi

Bu araştırmanın amacı, okullarda stratejik planlama algısını belirlemeye ve okullarda stratejik planlama uygulamalarını değerlendirmeye dönük ölçekler geliştirmektir. Araştırma 2010-2011 eğitim-öğretim yılında Van il merkezinde yer alan ilköğretim okullarında görev yapan toplam 200 yönetici ve öğretmenden oluşan bir çalışma grubu üzerinde yapılmıştır.Ölçeklerin kapsam ve yapı geçerliliği için açımlayıcı faktör analizi tekniği olan temel bileşenler analizi kullanılmış, her bir maddenin ayırt ediciliği için madde toplam korelâsyonlarına bakılmıştır. Daha sonra elde edilen sonuçlar doğrulayıcı faktör analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Ayrıca, ölçeklerin güvenirlik hesaplamalarında Cronbach's Alpha değeri dikkate alınmıştır. Araştırmada “Okullarda Stratejik Planlama Algı Ölçeği”nin (OSPAÖ) tek faktörden, oluştuğu; “Okullarda Stratejik Planlama Uygulamalarını Değerlendirme Ölçeği”nin (OSPUDÖ) ise, “kurumsal yapının stratejik planlamaya uygunluğu”, “stratejik plan hazırlama ve uygulama süreci” ve“stratejik planlama uygulamalarında karşılaşılan sorunlar” olmak üzere üç faktörden oluştuğu ve ölçeklerin okullarda stratejik planlama algısını ve stratejik planlama uygulamalarını ölçebilecek, geçerli ve güvenilir birer ölçme araçları olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.

Developing the Strategic Planning Perception Scale and The Strategic Planning Application Assessment Scale in Schools

Background. In the general sense, strategic planning means all the activities which enable organizations to go further to the targeted point from the current position. Organizations plan their future by defining organizational goals (Why do we exist?) through strategic planning. The developed strategic planning is a document which takes all the shareholders of organizations into account, distribute organizational resources in order of priority and reveals the obligation of giving account to shareholders. In strategic planning, it is attempted to define environmental factors, the correlation between the current organizational situation and the targeted point and the way to reach that point and strengths and weaknesses of organizations which need to be improved. Organizations have a prospective point of view through strategic planning and they are contributed in terms of goal attainment in the face of rapid changes through appropriate behavior display for organizational dynamic environmental conditions. In Turkey, the Ministry of National Education has obliged strategic plan preparation and application at all school levels since 2010. However, it is difficult to say that the compulsory strategic planning practices at schools are fit for purpose in practice and that the developed strategic plans are functional.The conducted studies have shown that the current case of schools is not eligible for strategic planning, the studies conducted for strategic planning are merely scientific, not practical, and that strategic planning practices do not exactly serve their purpose.One of the main requirements of enabling strategic planning practices to serve their purpose is to make the developed plans realistically data based, functional and eligible. Strategic planning perceptions and beliefs of school administrators and teachers, the principal shareholders of schools, are influential on school strategic planning activities and school strategic plan preparation. To this end, structures are needed to be developed which consist of criteria for exploration of strategic planning perceptions in schools and a holistic assessment of strategic planning practices. Purpose. The purpose of the study, which employed survey method, was to develop the strategic planning perception scale and the strategic planning application assessment scale in schools. Method. The study was done on a study group consisted of 200 school administrators and teachers working in Van city center in the 2010-2011 academic year. A total of 174 fully answered scales were included in the analysis. For structural validity, principal component analysis, which is an exploratory factor analysis method, was used and item-total correlation for each item was considered. Maximum likelihood method was employed for confirmatory factor analysis and Chi-Square, GFI, AGFI VE CFI, RMSEA,RMR fit indices statistics were evaluated. Besides, Cronbach Alpha values were taken into consideration in calculating reliability of the scales. Findings and Conclusion. According to principal component analysis, Strategic Planning Perception Scale at Schools (OSPAÖ) had a single factor structure consisting of 20 items. Factor load of the scale items ranged from .54 to .79, and item total correlations ranged from .50 to .76. Explained variance of the scale was 50,56% , and Cronbach's Alpha coefficient was calculated as .947. The formula χ2/df = 0.34 (p < .01) was obtained and the data set supported factor construction. The minimum scale score was found 20, and the maximum was 100. Strategic Planning Application Assessment Scale at Schools (OSPUDO) consisted of the three following factors; appropriateness of organizational structure to strategic planning, strategic plan preparation and application process and problems in strategic planning applications. Factor loads of the items had high values ranging from .60 to .81. Item total correlations ranged from .55 to .68 in the first factor; from .55 to .76 in the second and from .37 to .61 in the third. Explained variance of the first factor was found 6.36%, that of the second factor was found 2.68% and that of the third was found 13.57% and total variance of the three factors was calculated as 62.61%. Cronbach's Alpha coefficient for the first factor was found .883, .930 for the second and .868 for the third. Total Alpha reliability coefficient was calculated as .931. The formula χ2/df = 0.24 (p < .01) was obtained and the data set supported factor construction. The first factor consisted of five items, the second factor consisted of ten items and the third one consisted of seven items. Total scale score ranged from 22 to 110.As a result of the study, these scales are found valid and reliable for exploration of perceptions of strategic planning at schools and strategic planning practices. The scales had five point Likert scale format. The developed scales could make practical contributions to enable policy makers, decision takers and applicators to assess practices in schools and make school strategic planning preparation fit for purpose and functional, as well as theoretical contributions for the literature as a resource for further studies. The study could lead researchers who would like to conduct further studies for it shows dimensions of the issue under question


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