Hastanemizde 2014-2017 yıllarında üreyen Corynebacterium izolatlarının değerlendirilmesi

Amaç: Corynebacterium türlerinin çoğu deri ve mukoz membranların florasında bulunmaktadır. Genellikle fırsatçı enfeksiyon etkenidirler ve patojenik potansiyelleri kontaminasyon ve kolonizasyondan dolayı çok uzun yıllar göz ardı edilmiştir. Son yıllarda, uygulanan invaziv işlemlerin, geniş spektrumlu antibiyotik kullanımının ve immünsupresif hasta sayısının artması Corynebacterium cinsi bakterilere bağlı enfeksiyonların sayısında artışa neden olmuştur. Bu çalışmada amacımız son 3 yılda hastanemizde etken olarak kabul edilen Corynebacterium cinsi bakterilerin duyarlılığını ortaya koymak ve son yıllarda enfeksiyon oranlarındaki artışa dikkat çekmektir.

Evaluation of Isolated Corynebacterium Species Between 2014-2017 in Our Hospital

Aim: Most of Corynebacterium species are found in skin and mucous membrane flora. They are generally opportunistic infection agents and their pathogenic potentials are ignored for long years because of contamination and colonisation. In recent years, increased number of invasive procedures, broad spectrum antibiotic usage and immunsuppresive patients resulted a rise in Corynebacterium infections. Our aim is to evaluate antibiotic susceptibility of Corynebacterium isolates which are known as an agent in our hospital and demonstrate increased ratio of the infection in recent years.Methods: In our study, we analyzed samples sent from clinics between January 2014 and December 2016. Identification of species was performed by Vitek MS (Biomeriux,France) automatized system, antibiotic susceptibility test was performed by disc diffusion method. Results were evaluated according to EUCAST (The European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing) suggestions.Results: 199 Corynebacterium isolates (C. amycolatum n=3, C. jeikeum n=7, C. striatum n=123, Corynebacterium spp n=66) were isolated. Corynebacterium isolates were most commonly isolated from lower respiratory tract samples (55,2%) and second most common isolates were from wound cultures. Most of samples were taken from internal medicine clinics. Although most of the samples were from internal medicine department, the remarkable point was that Corynebacterium infections were decreasing every year in intensive care units (53,2%). According to antibiotic susceptibility test, multiple drug resistance was observed in all isolates. There was only one linezolide resistant isolate and no vancomycine resistance was determined. Most common resistance was observed for ciprofloxacin (97,7%).Conclusion: Corynebacterium isolate number and multiple drug resistance rate is increasing in our lab in recent years. Increased risk factors cause rise in Corynebacterium infection rate. Sended samples from clinics should be evaluated with regard to agent -colonisation-contamination and should be connect with the clinician in case of need. İdentification and antibiotic susceptibility testing should absolutely be performed to the isolates known as agent. Treatment should be planned according to results.


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