Anahtar Kelimeler:

tecsim, tahzir

This paper entitled "The Rhetorical Devices in Surat Al Mulk" has examined the wonders, semantic and rhetorical styles and the rhetorical construction such as anastrophe, concision, verbosity and all the figures of speech included in this Surah.  One of the aims of this paper is to highlight the arts of rhetoric, wonders and the challenging and impressive imagery in addition to the rhyming words.  The researcher has adopted descriptive analytical approach and concluded that the statement came according to the situation of the addressee to underpin the stark proof of resurrection and judgment.  Non- statement style especially the interrogative style which is widely used in this verse has tended to revoke the sense and contemplation at life, death and resurrection.  This style is also used to call for believing in the oneness of Allah and His power over all things.  Imagery is also employed to appeal to senses using personification and anthropomorphism so the addressee will be aware of the anger of Allah, follow His commands and avoid His prohibitions.


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