Kur’ân’ın İ’câz Vecihlerinden Biri Olarak Lafzındaki Câmiiyyet

ÖzEdebî yönden eşsiz bir mucize olan Kur’ân-ı Kerîm’in pek çok i’câz (mucize oluş)yönü vardır. Bunlardan biri de, câmiiyyeti, az sözle çok geniş manalar ifade etmesidir.Kur’ân’ın câmiiyyetinin, lafzındaki câmiiyyet, manasındaki câmiiyyet, ilmindeki câmiiyyet,mebahisindeki câmiiyyet, üslûp ve îcâzındaki câmiiyyet gibi farklı boyutları vardır.Bu makalede, ağırlıklı olarak Kur’ân’ın lafzındaki câmiiyyeti konusu incelenecektir.AbstractThe Qur’an is unique literary miracle. The Holy Qur’an’s miraculous has many ways,namely that there are many aspects. Within this context there are different dimensions forThe Qur’an’s sophistication: These are sophistication in the wording, sophistication in themeaning, sophistication in the knowledge, sophistication in the themes, sophistication inthe style, syntax and concise. In this article, the theme of Qur’an’s sophistication in thewording will be mainly investigated.

The Qur’an’s Sophistication in Wording as One of the Miraculous Aspects

AbstractThe Qur’an is unique literary miracle. The Holy Qur’an’s miraculous has many ways,namely that there are many aspects. Within this context there are different dimensions forThe Qur’an’s sophistication: These are sophistication in the wording, sophistication in themeaning, sophistication in the knowledge, sophistication in the themes, sophistication inthe style, syntax and concise. In this article, the theme of Qur’an’s sophistication in thewording will be mainly investigated.


  • Abdurrahman Habenneka el-Meydânî, et-Tedebbürü’l-Emsel li-Kitâbillahi Azze ve Cell,