Kur’ân’ın İ‘câz Yönlerinden “Tenâsüb”, Risâle-i Nur Örneği

ÖzKur’ân’ın lafız ve mana itibariyle benzersizliğini konu edinen i’câz, olgusal olaraknüzûl döneminde idrak edilmiş; ancak onun kuramsal ve mahiyet itibariyle sınırları, hicrîikinci asrın sonu ya da üçüncü asrın başlarında belirlenmiştir. Öte taraftan i’câzla bağlantılıolan Kur’ân’ın ayet ve sureleri arasındaki ilişki, hicrî dördüncü asırda bir ilim olarakortaya konulmuştur. Bu ilişki, klasik ve modern dönem İslâm âlimlerinden birçok kişitarafından Kur’ân’ın önemli i’caz yönlerinden biri olarak görülmüştür. Bu çalışmada, moderndönem İslam âlimlerinden biri olan ve eserlerinde i’câz meselesine sıkça vurgu yapanSaid Nursî’nin, Kur’ân’ın ayet ve sureleri arasındaki ilişkiyi hangi bağlamda ve nasıl birperspektifle ortaya koyduğunun tespit edilmesi hedeflenmektedir. Mevzu bahis meseleyiRisale-i Nur örneğinde ele alan bu makalede, konuyla ilgili farklı yaklaşımlara da yerverilecektir.AbstractMiracle, which subjects Qur’an’s uniqueness in respect of its utterance and meaningis factually been recognized in the time of revelation; but its theoretical and contextualboundaries is been determined in the end of second or in the beginning of third centuryof the hegira calendar. On the other hand, the relation between the surah and the verses ofthe Qur’an which are related to miracles was founded as a discipline in the fourth centuryof hegira calendar. This relation is seen as important angle of miracle by many classicand modern Muslim scholars. In this study, the relation between surah and the verses ofthe Qur’an which are related to miracles is aimed to be founded in accordance with SaidNursi who is a modern Muslim scholar and emphasizes miracles in his works. This article,which covers this subject in the case of Risale-i Nur, also allows for different perspectivesin this regard.

The “Relation” which a Face of Miracle in the Qur’an, the Case of Risale-i Nur

AbstractMiracle, which subjects Qur’an’s uniqueness in respect of its utterance and meaningis factually been recognized in the time of revelation; but its theoretical and contextualboundaries is been determined in the end of second or in the beginning of third centuryof the hegira calendar. On the other hand, the relation between the surah and the verses ofthe Qur’an which are related to miracles was founded as a discipline in the fourth centuryof hegira calendar. This relation is seen as important angle of miracle by many classicand modern Muslim scholars. In this study, the relation between surah and the verses ofthe Qur’an which are related to miracles is aimed to be founded in accordance with SaidNursi who is a modern Muslim scholar and emphasizes miracles in his works. This article,which covers this subject in the case of Risale-i Nur, also allows for different perspectivesin this regard.


  • Mustafa Öztürk, Kur’ân Dili ve Retoriği, Kitâbiyât Yayınları, Ankara, 2002, 169.