Cultural Identity and Media: Screening Practices of Marriage in Kyrgyz Media (The Case of “El Ukpasin” Films

Cultural identity consist of of cultural norms and values ​​that distinguish a society from other societies. For this reason, the concept of cultural identity is related to the norms and values ​​of the society in which the individual is. At the same time, the media performs an important function in the introduction of these norms and values ​​in the broad mass. After Kyrgyzstan's independence, it entered into a new nation-building process different from the Soviet Union and supported this process through the media. In this respect Kyrgyz cinema has become one of the important media tools in the production of new values ​​and norms of independence period of Kyrgyzstan. The study focuses on cultural identity related values and  norms media in general and cinema in particular. The semiotic method is used, which has been used since the 20th century, in order to determine the cultural elements in the film "El Ukpasin" With this method, it has been tried to analyze in which way the elements of cultural identity reflected in forms and codes. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that elements of Kyrgyz cultural identity were used in `El Ukpasin` film. It was found that Kyrgyz marriage patterns were widely used and criticisms of traditional marriage patterns were found.


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