İlköğretim Öğrencilerinde Proje Tabanlı Mikroskobik Canlı Bilincinin Oluşturulması

Bu çalışmada, günlük yaşamın bir parçası olan mikroorganizmalar hakkında genel

Creating Project-Based Microscopic Live Consciousness in Elementary Students

In this study, it is aimed to give general information about microorganisms which is apart of daily life and especially the effective use of antibiotics against harmfulmicroorganisms. The study was conducted with a total of 38 students, 20 boys and 18girls, who are attending from 5th grade of both urban and rural schools. In order todetermine the current knowledge of microorganisms of the students, before and afterthe intervention, the success tests consisting of 38 questions were applied. Since thedata obtained from the success tests did not have normal distribution, Mann WhitneyU test was applied to the data of different groups, and furthermore, Wilcoxon MarkedRank Test was applied to data of the same group. According to the results of theanalysis, the knowledge of the participants about microorganisms differed in astatistically significant manner. As a result of the statistics of settlement variable, itwas seen that the current knowledge of microorganisms and learning levels of studentsfrom the urban and the rural are quite different from each other. With this study,concepts were taught with activities, at the same time the students gained differentperspectives about science. This study is in the nature of a part of a very importanttraining for our future and health.


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