Çokanlamlı (Eşsesli) Edatların Öğretimi Sorunu

Bu araştırmanın konusu farklı mana içeren meani harflerini öğretme konu-sunda Arap Olmayan Arap dili öğreticilerinin karşılaştığı zorluklardır. Bu konu genelde öğrencilere Arapça öğreten ve özelde Arap olmayan çoğu öğre-ticinin karşılaştığı nahiv zorluluklarından birini açıklayan bir konudur. Bu da bu edatların - mana açısından - cümlenin siyakı ile ortaya çıkan farklı mana-lardan ve nahiv kaidelerinin özellikle bunların çeşitlerini ayırmak için zorun-lu kılmasından dolayı meydana gelmiştir. Bu araştırma konuyla ilgili birçok meani harfini kapsamaktadır. Bu harfler nahivde aşağıda ki gibi sınıflandırılmıştır.

The Problem of Teaching the Polysemy of the Meaningful Letters

This topic is One of the important topics in explaining one of the grammati-cal difficulties facing students who learn Arabic in general, and for non-native speakers in particular; This is because these tools have multiple meanings that are highlighted by the context - in terms of meaning - and special grammatical rules are imposed on them to differentiate between their types. The research dealt with many letters of meanings related to this mat-ter. The meaningful letters idiomatically: the letters that connect nouns with verbs and nouns with nouns. It indicates a meaning in others, and it is called connecting letters. The difference between the meaningful letters and the alphabet letters: 1) Alphabet are the letters of the spelling, from which the word is adopted. They are parts of the word. As for the meaningful letters, they are types of speech. 2)Alphabet do not exceed one letter. While the meanings of the letters, some of them are on one letter, such as the interrogative hamza, and some of them are on two letters, such as the conditional (in), and some of them are on three letters, such as the preposition (to). 3 (the meaningful letters whose meaning is found in others, and therefore it is said that a letter came to a meaning, while letters of meanings are not. 4) The number of alphabets is twenty-eight, but the meaningful letters are about fifty. The polysemy: It is the indication of one word on a number of different meanings that have a semantic relationship with a central meaning, and it is known as (Polyse-my), and a polysemy word consisting of poly “multiple” and "Semy" :meaning; as the word has a primary meaning, which comes to mind when launching The pronunciation, and there are other secondary meanings that are inspired by the primary meaning, and these secondary, additional or im-plicit meanings are multiple, and the multiplicity of meaning is due to the use of the term in different situations. Syntax and difference of meaning: The sentence is like a series connected to coherent links. If we remove a link from it or the cohesion is disturbed at one of its links for some reason, then we have two chains that are independent of one another. The special signifi-cance of some formulas may be determined by placing them in a special syntactic context, as changing any of the words that make up the sentence leads to changing the content of that sentence or the structure that made up the sentence. Likewise, a student of Arabic, for example, cannot determine that (مَن) (who) is a conditional, interrogative, or relative except by using it in each case. specific as well, and when it is connected it needs a connection that has certain properties and it becomes with what complements it a nominal com-pound that is one component of the syntax; and when it is interrogative, it does not need what the conditional or the relative needs in the syntax, and the sentence needs a different tone if it is spoken. The judgment that it is in a state of this does not come from its specific structure, but from its placement in its syntax with the other linguistic rela-tions that cooperate with it. Grammatical meanings: Grammatical meanings are related to the function of grammar. The gram-matical functions of a word are what are related to the arrangement of words in sentences. What linguists mean by the meanings of grammar is what they refer to under the name of the grammatical functions of the word in the sentence; What is meant by the grammatical functions of the words here is the grammatical meanings determined by the words in the sentence; Those meanings that revolve around whether the sentence is a report, an interroga-tion, a hope, etc., or what is related to the roles played by the different ele-ments by which morphemes change in different grammatical structures. The parts of the meaningful letters: ** Monograms: 1 – Using of the letter (اللام). 2 – Using of the letter (الفاء). 3 – Using of the letter (الواو). ** Duplicity letters: 4 – Using of the letter (مَا) 5 – Using of the letter(لا) 6 - Using of the letter(مَن) ** The meaningful preposition: (الباء، مِنْ، اللَّام، إلى، عن، على، في، الكاف، حتَّى).


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