Сванетская междоусобная война XIX века: имперский порядок и княжеская вендетта [19. Yüzyıl Svanetyası'nda İç Savaş: İmparatorluk Düzeni ve Prens Vendettası]

The article examines the princely internecine war in Svaneti in the first half - the middle of the XIX century. This conflict between representatives of two different branches of the princely family of Dadeshkeliani took place against the backdrop of the Caucasian war. The Svanet princes tried to use Russia to defeat their rivals in the struggle for power. The Russian empire used internecine strife to assert its authority in the region. The lack of a coherent political line in relations with Svaneti led the Russian administration to the periodic escalation of the conflict. Inconsistent imperial policy was the reason for the killing of Kutaisi Governor-General Alexander Gagarin, who fell at the hands of Prince Constantine Dadeshkeliani. The article is based on both published and unpublished (archival) historical sources.

Сванетская междоусобная война XIX века: имперский порядок и княжеская вендетта [Svanetian Internecine War of the XIX Century: Imperial Order and Princely Vendetta]

The article examines the princely internecine war in Svaneti in the first half and the middle of the XIX century. This conflict between representatives of two different branches of the princely family of Dadeshkeliani took place against the backdrop of the Caucasian war. The Svanetian princes tried to use Russia to defeat their rivals in the struggle for power. The Russian empire used internecine strife to assert its authority in the region. The lack of a coherent political line in relations with Svaneti led the Russian administration to periodically escalate the conflict. Inconsistent imperial policy was the reason for the killing of Kutaisi Governor-General Alexander Gagarin, who fell into the hands of Prince Constantine Dadeshkeliani. The article is based on both published and unpublished (archival) historical sources.


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