Teklif Karşısında Çocukların Dünya ve Ahiretteki Durumu

In Muslim thought, human being is a very special creature because of the intellect and the willpower given to him/her. Likewise, s/he has obligations owing to his/her superior qualities. As a result of this responsibility, the man who is interlocutor before the divine orders thanks to his/her mind will be judged in the hereafter on account of his/her words and behaviors. As a result of the divine judgement, s/he will be rewarded or punished. From the aspect of Muslim tought, the position of the individuals having religious obligations is clear both here and in the Hereafter. However, it is not easy to say that clarity is available from the aspect of children. According to divine justice, the first condition of obligation is the reason. The persons that correctly uses their willpower will be saved, and incorrectly uses will be punished. So, what is the religious status of children in the world and the Hereafter? There are different answers for this question between Muslim thinkers and groups. This answers are usually about their religious obligation what is the position on it. Makale Dosyaları Tam Metin


In Muslim thought, human being is a very special creature because of the intellect and the willpower given to him/her. Likewise, s/he has obligations owing to his/her superior qualities. As a result of this responsibility, the man who is interlocutor before the divine orders thanks to his/her mind will be judged in the hereafter on account of his/her words and behaviors. As a result of the divine judgement, s/he will be rewarded or punished. From the aspect of Muslim tought, the position of the individuals having religious obligations is clear both here and in the Hereafter. However, it is not easy to say that clarity is available from the aspect of children. According to divine justice, the first condition of obligation is the reason. The persons that correctly uses their willpower will be saved, and incorrectly uses will be punished. So, what is the religious status of children in the world and the Hereafter? There are different answers for this question between Muslim thinkers and groups. This answers are usually about their religious obligation what is the position on it



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