Mekki Ayetlerin Yetimlere Yönelik Söylemine Dair Bir Analiz

In this article, it is aimed to examine the meaning and the speech act performance of the concept of orphan, which corresponds to specific linguistic stage in Meccan verses, in distinctive language system of the Qur?an. First, the unique characteristics of Qur?anic discourse will be described in general, and accordingly the particular positions of Meccan verses in the language of Qur?an will be emphasized. In accordance with the findings, the place of the concept in the discourse will be determined. On this basis, in the context of the concept of orphan in Meccan verses, the characteristics of discourse, which aims to build an awareness about protecting the weaks of society, will be clarified.
Anahtar Kelimeler:



In this article, it is aimed to examine the meaning and the speech act performance of the concept of orphan, which corresponds to specific linguistic stage in Meccan verses, in distinctive language system of the Qur’an. First, the unique characteristics of Qur’anic discourse will be described in general, and accordingly the particular positions of Meccan verses in the language of Qur’an will be emphasized. In accordance with the findings, the place of the concept in the discourse will be determined. On this basis, in the context of the concept of orphan in Meccan verses, the characteristics of discourse, which aims to build an awareness about protecting the weaks of society, will be clarified