Kelamcıların Problemleri Ele Alışında"Çevre" Unsurlarının Etkisi: "Elem Problemi Örneği"

Mutakallimun have carried out important functions particularly during the period of expansion when they faced with different cultures and religions and they have never fallen within a simple form of religious defense. In fact, they have contributed a new horizon to the Islamic thought by putting forward new theories and establishing new issues. However, their primary concern has been introducing Islam to non-muslim quarters. This study aims to demonstrate how Qadi Abuljabbar handled a theological problem according to environmental factors. The Qadi tackles the problem of suffering with rational justification, dispelling the worries of non-muslims.  Keywords: Suffering, Grace, Non-muslims, Environmental factors.
Anahtar Kelimeler:



Mutakallimun have carried out important functions particularly during the period of expansion when they faced with different cultures and religions and they have never fallen within a simple form of religious defense. In fact, they have contributed a new horizon to the Islamic thought by putting forward new theories and establishing new issues. However, their primary concern has been introducing Islam to non-muslim quarters. This study aims to demonstrate how Qadi Abuljabbar handled a theological problem according to environmental factors. The Qadi tackles the problem of suffering with rational justification, dispelling the worries of non-muslims


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