Women’s Participation in Politics and Strategies to Raise the Present of Women within Politics

Women’s Participation in Politics and Strategies to Raise the Present of Women within Politics

Women have come to the forefront in social science research within the last century. Thus, discussions around women’s issues have naturally taken place in political science. In relation to women and politics, this study will first focus on women and their previous existence in the political sphere; secondly, the contributions of women within the political arena will be discussed in depth followed by a focus on the obstacles that hinder the existence of women in politics and the ways and methods to increase their political participation. Of the areas where gender inequality is greatest, politics comes first. Today, the participation of women in politics, especially in political decision making processes, is not proportionate to their population. Sometimes this is a result of their own choosing; however, this is mostly caused by social and cultural structures. When one considers the lack of female participation in the political sphere as a problem, it becomes clear that something needs to be done. This study focuses on what has been done and what can be done in order to increase women’s political participation


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