Job Demands Appraisals, Classroom Climate, and Team Support Predict Changes in Emotional Exhaustion Among Teachers After Two Years: A Sequential Mediation Model

Job Demands Appraisals, Classroom Climate, and Team Support Predict Changes in Emotional Exhaustion Among Teachers After Two Years: A Sequential Mediation Model

In this article, individual job appraisals and social resource are investigated as predictors of emotional exhaustion during a long-term evaluation over two years. Job demands appraisals, classroom climate, and prior exhaustion levels were assessed at baseline in N=461 teachers, whereas team support and concurrent emotional exhaustion were measured two years later at follow-up, with N=212 teachers having complete longitudinal data. A sequential mediation model was specified to examine a putative mediation mechanism, reflecting a path from job demands appraisal via classroom climate and teacher team support to predict emotional exhaustion, while controlling for emotional exhaustion levels at baseline. Indirect effects from job demands appraisals on emotional exhaustion involved classroom climate and teacher team support as mediating variables. Findings support the sequential mediation for positive classroom climate and team support as antecedents of less emotional exhaustion when job demands appraisals are favorably challenging.


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