Association between COVID-19 and psychological disorders with possible mechanisms

Association between COVID-19 and psychological disorders with possible mechanisms

The current coronavirus pandemic is one of the most wrecking occasions in ongoing history, and it has an impact on mental health, especially in sleep disorder and anxiety. This review aimed to find an association between COVID-19 and psychological disorders like sleep disorder and anxiety by exploring its influential factors. COVID-19 patient has greater susceptibility to having anxiety and sleep disorder-related complications including post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), obstructive sleep apnea by infecting severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) to the central nervous system through the olfactory lobe. Although the mechanism of COVID-19 induced sleep disorder and anxiety-related complications have not been reported yet, the investigated data suggested that sleep disorder and anxiety-related complications are arising due to increasing cortisol, norepinephrine levels in the blood and decreasing glucocorticoid receptor signaling. Further examination and clinical studies are critically required to investigate the influential factors of COVID-19 patients' susceptibility to sleep disorder, anxiety for affirming speculation, and better treatment.


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