Firdevsî’nin Hayât u Memât Adlı Eseri ve İmlâ Özellikleri

Hayât u Memât (1508), written by Firdevsî during this period spanning XIII-XVIth centuries, is one of these works. The work has an important place in terms of reflecting the language and spelling features of Old Anatolian Turkish, containing the features of the translated works, and providing information about religious, mystical and moral issues. In our study, firstly, information was given about the Old Anatolian Turkish period and the religious, mystical and moral works written in this period, then the life, literary personality and works of Firdevsî, who was the author of the work, were mentioned, and then the presentation of Hayât u Memât was introduced. The introduction section consists of examples of the external features, content and spelling features of the work.

Firdävsî’s Work named Hayât u Mamât and its Orthographic Features

Hayât u Memât (1508), written by Firdevsî during this period spanning XIII-XVIth centuries, is one of these works. The work has an important place in terms of reflecting the language and spelling features of Old Anatolian Turkish, containing the features of the translated works, and providing information about religious, mystical and moral issues. In our study, firstly, information was given about the Old Anatolian Turkish period and the religious, mystical and moral works written in this period, then the life, literary personality and works of Firdevsî, who was the author of the work, were mentioned, and then the presentation of Hayât u Memât was introduced. The introduction section consists of examples of the external features, content and spelling features of the work.


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