Dede Korkut Kitabı’nda Ala Edatı ve Anlamı Üzerine

In the book of Dädä Qorqut, which is one of the works of the Old Anatolian Turkish period, the petrified converbs have different features according to the written language. Some of these can sometimes be both petrified converb and substantive. The article discuss ala like this. This word was of many researchers not understandable, which we will discuss here in this article.

On the Particle ala in the Book of Dädä Qorqut and its Meaning

In the book of Dädä Qorqut, which is one of the works of the Old Anatolian Turkish period, the petrified converbs have different features according to the written language. Some of these can sometimes be both petrified converb and substantive. This article discuss ala like this. This word was of many researchers not understandable, which we will discuss here in this article.


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