Öğrencilerin anatomi dersine ayırdıkları zaman ile anatomi dersi hakkındaki görüşlerinin ilişkisinin değerlendirilmesi

Amaç: Anatomi dersinin klinikte, hastayı anlamak ve diğer dersleri kavrayabilmek için temel derslerden biri olması nedeniyle hem öğretim elemanları için hem de öğrenciler için önemli bir yere sahiptir. Öğrencilerin Anatomi dersinin dilinin Latince olması, ders öğreniminde zorluk yaşanmasına neden olmaktadır. Çalışmamızın amacı; öğrencilerin Anatomi dersi ile ilgili görüşlerini değerlendirerek öğrencilerin dersi daha iyi anlayabilmeleri için öğrencilere faydalı olunması amaçlanmıştır.

Evaluation of the relationship between the time that the students allocated for the anatomy course and their opinions about the anatomy course

Abstract Introduction and objective: The fact that anatomy is one of the basic courses in the clinic in order to understand the patient and comprehend other courses has an important place for both faculty and students, and the language of the Anatomy course is Latin, causing difficulty in learning the course. The purpose of our study is; It is also to contribute to the literature by evaluating the opinions of the students about the Anatomy course, solving the problems about the course, and determining how we can be better used to bye students. Material-Method: Our study; Studying at Malatya Turgut Özal University; A total of 134 people participated, including students from the Nursing, Dietitian Medical Laboratory Services program. Our students' opinions were evaluated by applying a form consisting of 15 questions together with demographic questions about the anatomy course. Results: While 97% of the students said that "The teacher who teaches the anatomy course is important, 87.9% answered that we are happy to participate in the laboratory in anatomy class. Why does it take so long to study anatomy?" 87.1% said, "It's Latin and I see it for the first time". 43.9% answered "I have no idea" and 28% answered "laboratory course should be done more", 15.9% answered "Anatomy subjects should be reduced and plenty of word repetition should be done", and 6.1% answered, "More visuals should be used in anatomy class". Result: In our study; by evaluating the opinions of the students, the results; we believe may contribute to both students and lecturers as well as researchers.


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