Purpose- With the continuous growth of global environment, the pressure in organizations has also increased in order to make their operational and strategic processes as effective as it can be. Information System (IS) is a set of components that can enhance this effectiveness and help in gathering information that can affect in decision-making. Therefore, lots of companies have decided to implement Information Systems in order to increase the performance of their company. Methodology- However, one must keep in mind that neglecting while implementing can bring problems with it. One of the biggest companies in Kosovo that have implemented Information Systems is Kosovo Energy Corporation (KEK).  The purpose of this thesis is to show some basic concepts about Management Information Systems (MIS) and information technologies, especially about hardware, software, data processing, telecommunication and networks.Findings- Moreover, this thesis will include how Information Systems have been implemented in KEK, an introduction about history of KEK, and what kind of information technologies are used there, particularly about hardware and software that are used in KEK for data storage and maintenance as well describing software applications like computerized accounting system. We’ll talk about how are communication achieved and what kind of network’s infrastructure is used by the company in question.Conclusion- Furthermore, the last chapters will discuss database systems, with main focus on explanation of what is SQL SERVER of Microsoft and how can it help us - a software that is used in most of KEK’s databases. Some databases of this corporation will also be described, including their design, database diagram, data types, indexes, as well as how we can make reports of particular databases by reporting services like SSRS, thus helping in data analysis. 


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