Osmanlı Maarif Nezareti Salnamesi’ne Göre Beytülmakdis Sancağı Altındaki Gayrimüslim ve Yabancılara Ait Medreselerin 1899 (H. 1317) Yılındaki Faaliyetleri

The Educational Activities of non-Muslim minority schools and foreign schools in the District of Jerusalem as recorded in the yearbook (Salname) of the Ottoman ministry of education in 1317AH/1899CE

The study focuses on education as one of the means used by foreigners and Jewish and Christian minorities in the Ottoman state to penetrate the Muslim society in Islamicjerusalem in order to influence and dominate the state institutions. This study seeks to reveal western efforts to penetrate the city of Jerusalem and establish a permanent influence through expanding the educational institutions at various levels: Primary, middle, junior high schools (Rüştiye) and high schools. The Salname (yearbook) statistics of the Ottoman ministry of education in 1899 has been consulted to obtain the numbers of foreign schools and students. As well as comparing it with the total numbers of foreign population in addition to the numbers of Ottoman schools and their students. These results determined the extent of foreign dominance on the educational system in Islamicjerusalem (Bayt al-Maqdis).


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