The city of Mardin and its Artuqids leaders contributed immensely to the fight of the crusaders especially in Helep, Antakya and Bayt al-Maqdis during the reign of Sakman Ibn Artuq and his brother Najm al-Din El-Ghazi and Husam al-Din Timortash, followed by his son Najm al-Din Albi. A new stage of fighting the armies of the crusaders developed in the reign of Husam al-Din Timortash as Mardin advanced from self-defence to the stage of attack, particularly when Husam al-Din lead an army aiming at liberating Bayt al-Maqdis and al-Aqsa Mosque, regrettably the mission failed and many of the people of Mardin were martyred during this attempt. Mardin and its rulers assisted the Zengids in their numerous campaigns against the crusaders, which led to the fall of Al-Ruha (Urfa) and its return to Muslim hands. Indeed the Artuqids have played a vital role in the battlefield alongside the troops of Salah al-Din at the horns of Hattin in 583AH/1187CE and this leads to the defeat of the crusaders and expelling most of their forces to the costal towns and the liberation of Bayt al-Maqdis.

Mardin and its Role in Combating the Crusaders

The city of Mardin and its Artuqid rulers contributed immensely to combatting the crusaders, particularly in Aleppo, Antakya and Bayt al-Maqdis. This commenced from the reign of Sakman ibn Artuq, and then his brother Najm al-Din El-Ghazi, followed by Husam al-Din Timortash, and then his son Najm al-Din Albi. A new stage of fighting the crusaders developed in the reign of Husam al-Din Timortash, as Mardin advanced from a defensive to offensive attack, particularly when Husam al-Din led an army aimed at liberating Bayt al-Maqdis and al-Aqsa Mosque. Although he reached the Holy City, regrettably the mission failed and many of the people of Mardin were martyred during this attempt. Mardin and its rulers assisted the Zengids in their numerous campaigns against the crusaders, which led to the fall of Al-Ruha (Urfa) and its return to Muslim hands. Indeed, the Artuqids have played a vital role in the battlefield alongside the troops of Salah al-Din at the horns of Hattin in 583AH/1187CE, leading to the defeat of the crusaders, the expelling of most of their forces from the coastal towns, and ultimately, the liberation of Bayt al-Maqdis.


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