Hüseyin-McMahon Yazışmalarının Satır Araları Üzerine Bir Okuma

Reading in the Lateral Messages of Hussein-McMahon's Correspondence

This study deals with the lateral messages that accompanied the responses of Sir McMahon to the five letters of Sharif Hussein, which was well-known as the correspondence of Hussein-McMahon in 1915. The large volume of these letters, as well as the diversity of their subjects and the participants by the leaders of the British government and its colonies shows the seriousness and thorough study in the formulation of these responses. These come in accordance with British interests and not Arab aspirations. The number of pages contained in these documents are 149 pages comprising of 84 confidential documents on the correspondence with Sharif Hussein.  The study aims to introduce the nature of these hidden aspects and the extensive consultations of the British government before issuing any response from Sir McMahon to the letters of Sharif Hussein. This study helps researchers to understand these responses more clearly and shows the vision and foresight that were behind British polices and their formation as responses to Sharif Hussein.


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