The Bacterial and Fungal Microflora in Seeds of the Hot Pepper, Mild Pepper and Black Pepper

The Bacterial and Fungal Microflora in Seeds of the Hot Pepper, Mild Pepper and Black Pepper

The microbial component can be present in the organism at the first sight seems intact. This presence of the relation microflora-organism (or organ) might be in a symbiotic, parasitic, respectively pathogenic form. But if this biological microflora (in the research of this case the heterotrophic bacteria, general coliforms, yeasts and moulds) is dramatically added might consider as a source of toxins/ bio-toxins. The plants which are used as human food must be toxin-free, respectively without microorganisms especially without pathogenic microorganisms. Many authors have argued that the microbial flora associates the plant whence the seed. Therefore, one can ascertain that seeds respectively seedlings (sprout), which are developed from seeds are in contact with the microorganism whence the food environment. Even the decay of fruits and vegetables is a consequence of the presence of bacteria and fungi in the soil from where they achieve to the vegetative and generative parts of the plant. These microorganisms might be nominated indigenous flora.  The environments where these microorganisms are found are: the soil, the water and the air. And if this nutritive environment is pasteurized or sterilized incorrectly, prepared without proper care etc. might be a source of the initial inoculation with microorganisms, which during their growth (germination, blossoming and fruit), through their seed  (embryo) will reach again at their new seeds and fruits. It should be noted that microorganisms might reach the organic system of the plant (e.g. ploem) even through other paths but the one through soil and water is more argued. In this paper a relatively high density of the bacterial and fungal microflora is registered in the seeds of the “pepperoni” sort, dry hot pepper and black pepper. Measures are made in the weight amount respectively in the surface and inside the seed. 


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