Study the Efficiency of two waste Treatment Plants in the Al-Karkh and Al-Rusafa of Baghdad Region in 2015

Study the Efficiency of two waste Treatment Plants in the Al-Karkh and Al-Rusafa of Baghdad Region in 2015

This study was conducted to demonstrate the efficiency of wastewater treatment plants in Baghdad. Al-Rustamiyah and Al-Karkh wastewater plants were chosen for this purpose. Several  critical parameters (DO, BOD5, COD, TSS,TDS and Nutrients) were selected for the study of the efficiency of each plant and its impact on the river water (Tigris River). Water samples were collected from different locations (two samples from each location) for each unit, during the months of February and June of 2015. It was observed that the level of efficiency of the stations below the required level for several reasons, the most important factor was lying on the 1st stage, which failed to withdraw TSS and TDS, which caused  stagger to the rest of the stages.  Also the amount of water entering the plant more than the designed capacity, leading to discharge of untreated water directly into the river without treatment.


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