Geological Premises for the Finding of Silicate Fe-Ni Mineral Deposits in Mitrovica Region Locality Bajska

Geological Premises for the Finding of Silicate Fe-Ni Mineral Deposits in Mitrovica Region Locality Bajska

In Bajska locality are used geochemical methods in regional geology research in order to determine the weathering crust on ultrabasics massife. Study locality belong Mitrovica topographic planschettes, southern parts of Albanik (Kopaonik). This locality is a part of ophfiolite Vardar zone and represents the northern sides of the Kosovo territory. These studies have given result on the existence the appearance of Nickel silicate ores and appearance of Ni, Pb, Cu and other sulphide mineralization the genesis of which is related to basic and ultramaphite rocks.  Samples are taken in flow river Bajska also in the surroundings of the monastery Bajska, Lozna, Jelakce and Raic Breg area. In each locality were taken from 30 samples in total 120.  From the samples taken by contacting the red series and serpentinite are obtained results that range from 1.4-2.2% Ni. Spectrochemical analyses 96% of the total samples have determined that the average of Ni content ranges 0.16-1.0 % Ni. The paper aims to determine the potential places for detailed geology research which will enable finding new structural metalogeny zones with mineral deposits of nickel silicate in Kosovo territory.


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