Accumulation of Copper and Zinc in Sediments of Tigris River at Baghdad City

Accumulation of Copper and Zinc in Sediments of Tigris River at Baghdad City

Heavy metals are great ecological significance pollutants due to their toxicity and accumulative behaviour. Therefore the present study aims to assess the concentrations of Copper and Zinc that collected from sediments of the Tigris River at Baghdad City. Four stations were chosen on the Tigris River along the Baghdad city, the samples were collected every 60 days from November 2010 to September 2011. The results showed that the general annual average of Copper and Zinc sediment were 39.8 µg/g and 80.5 µg/g respectively. The study concluded that the sediment of Tigers River was unpolluted by Zinc but slightly polluted by Copper, Also the sediment at station 4 showed higher values of Cu and Zn than the other stations. It may be due to the station sediment was loamy which dominated by fine sediments and high in organic matter which had a very high adsorption capacity.


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