Determination of the Theoretical Quantity of Air during the Concentration Oxidising of Copper Ores Containing Iron

Concentration in metallurgy is the oxidation process that may have several purposes, but the main goal is to remove the entire concentration quantity S (sulphur), or a part thereof from ore. Depending on the conditions and technical parameters in the furnace for concentration process, a portion of the sulphur can be converted to sulphate or not oxidized and be present in concentration. If the ore is present FeS2 often what happens during concentration decomposed into FeS and FeS2. Concentration process usually requires excess air for reactions that  decomposes during concentration so that any part of the ore to be in contact with air O2.For this work at all times, the furnace for concentration should be done ore blending. The quantity of air that inflates and his preheating represents one of the most important factors of the concentration process of copper ore in furnaces for concentration.


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