Determination of Optımum Irrigation Network in Land Consolidation Projects

In Turkey as it is all over the World, agriculture is extremely important in terms of food security and rural development. Food demand which increase as correctly proportional to population growth, unplanned urbanization and industrialization increase the pressure on land. The most important issue in order to sustain agricultural production is agricultural enterprise structure and the presence of land. A strong enterprise structure, the presence of sufficient size lands and efficient use of lands is of great importance in terms of the future of agriculture sector. It is necessary for sustainable agriculture that a strong enterprise structure is created and problems that threaten production are addressed. Therefore, land consolidation is used as one of the most effective land management tools. The areas where land consolidation is most used are irrigation areas. In particular that irrigation projects are done together with the consolidation save up to 40% in irrigation investment costs. With the new parcels formed after the consolidation, the agricultural infrastructure is adapted to modern agriculture, the efficiency of the watering is increased, the use of labor and input used in production is reduced, and the productivity of enterprises is increased. In addition, irrigation ratios and yields are increasing. In this study, Land Consolidation project in The Üçhüyük Neighborhood (Çumra-Konya-Turkey) has been used as a sample project. In Land Consolidation projects, it has been explained how the irrigation network affects the progressive stages of the project and how that should be determined as optimum. 


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