Extraction of Chitosan from Kentish Snail Exoskeleton Shellʼs, Monacha cantiana (Montagu, 1803) for the Pharmaceutical Application

Chitin and chitosan are a natural polysaccharide prepared by processing Kentish snail exoskeletonʼs (species Monacha cantiana) which involves by partial deacetylation of chitin. Chitosan considered the second most abundant natural polymer. Many researchers have found that chitosan very important bioactive polymer as biodegradable and nontoxic material which made wide applicability in conventional pharmaceutics as a potential formulation excipient. This study is interested in the extraction of chitosan, with low molecular weight and suitable, for pharmaceutical industry. The crude chitin was collected from exoskeleton of Monacha cantiana specimens to obtain chitosan. The current study was synthesized from chitosan usage for the pharmaceutical industry.


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