Antioxidant Activity Of Chitin Obtained From The Insect

Chitin can be obtained from an insect of the cuticle, trachea and peritrophic matrix of the insect during molting. For this reason, biotechnologically important chitin can be easily obtained from Drosophila and can be used in related sectors. The aim of this study was to investigate the antioxidant capacity (TAS) of chitin obtained from Drosophila melanogaster Meigen (Diptera: Drosophilidae) against total oxidation in 35-day old flies. Thus, the use of chitin obtained from this insect in the basic science fields such as medicine, pharmacy, veterinary medicine has been determined in the aging process. Furthermore, in this study, the environmental and ecological impact of the release of products from natural biomolecules into the environment has been discussed.


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