An Examination of Spectral Reflectance Properties of some Wetland Plants in Göksu Delta, Turkey

Abstract: In recent years, the importance of wetlands better understood and included among the priority areas for conservation in Turkey and the world. A significant number of researchers have examined wetlands due to their various valuable aspects such as diverse vegetation, feeding and shelter areas for many species of birds and positive effects on water quality. Remote sensing data are becoming an important source of information for assessment of wetland health and quality. Traditional methods are time consuming, expensive and labor intensive. In this study, the spectral properties of some wetland plants (Phragmites, Typha, Scirpus and Juncus) found in wetlands located on the Göksu delta were examined in the scope of The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey funded project (110Y295). Handheld spectroradiometer was used to determine the spectral properties of selected wetland plants. Reflectance measurements were conducted on May 28, July 16, September 18 and November 16 and on March 12 (2013). According to results, typical vegetation spectral curves were obtained for all species.  All resembled typical upland vegetation curves, with higher reflectance values at wavelength of 700 nanometers (near infrared) as compared to visible wavelengths (400-700 nm) and a green peak around 560 nm.


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