The Effect of Street Foods on Destination Selection in the Context of Planned Behavior Theory The Case of Istanbul Province

This research was conducted to determine the effect of tourists visiting Istanbul within the scope of planned behavior theory for street tastes on the behavioral intention for destination selection. As a means of collecting data, the scales used before the extensive literature review were used and this questionnaire was translated into English and Arabic by experts in the field. Tourists visiting Istanbul with the purpose of tasting street tastes were surveyed in the tourist spots of Istanbul (Istanbul historical peninsula, Galata tower and Istiklal Street, Kadikoy) between 15 October 2018 and 15 January 2019 in Turkish, English and Arabic. After removing 20 of the 450 questionnaires obtained after the survey, a total of 430 available questionnaires were analyzed. The data obtained from the research and the hypotheses in the model were tested by using regression analysis. It was found that the measurement results had a high level of reliability and validity. As a result of the analysis, the attitudes towards behavior and subjective norms seem to have a positive effect on the behavioral intention towards destination selection. Regarding the perceived behavioral control, it appears that there is no effect on the behavioral intention for destination selection. These results coincide with the results of previous studies on planned behavior theory. The results obtained after the analyzes are important in terms of helping the studies to be carried out later, but they can be a guide for sharing the outputs with the ones interested in the sector and street tastes.

The Effect of Street Foods on Destination Selection in the Context of Planned Behavior Theory The Case of Istanbul Province

This research was conducted to determine the effect of tourists visiting Istanbul within the scope of planned behavior theory for street tastes on the behavioral intention for destination selection. As a means of collecting data, the scales used before the extensive literature review were used and this questionnaire was translated into English and Arabic by experts in the field. Tourists visiting Istanbul with the purpose of tasting street tastes were surveyed in the tourist spots of Istanbul (Istanbul historical peninsula, Galata tower and Istiklal Street, Kadikoy) between 15 October 2018 and 15 January 2019 in Turkish, English and Arabic. After removing 20 of the 450 questionnaires obtained after the survey, a total of 430 available questionnaires were analyzed. The data obtained from the research and the hypotheses in the model were tested by using regression analysis. It was found that the measurement results had a high level of reliability and validity. As a result of the analysis, the attitudes towards behavior and subjective norms seem to have a positive effect on the behavioral intention towards destination selection. Regarding the perceived behavioral control, it appears that there is no effect on the behavioral intention for destination selection. These results coincide with the results of previous studies on planned behavior theory. The results obtained after the analyzes are important in terms of helping the studies to be carried out later, but they can be a guide for sharing the outputs with the ones interested in the sector and street tastes.


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