Developing Quality of Life Scale, Making Its Validity and Reliability for Turkish Population

The purpose of this study is to develop the Quality of Life Scale (QoLS) and to make its validity and reliability for the Turkish population. The research is a descriptive research and all individuals with or without physical health constitute the main body of the research. Research data is limited to individuals on social media as it collected by electronic questionnaires between 1th October and 15th December 2019. The random sampling method was used in this study and the sample group consisted of 689 individuals (Xage = 39.80 ± 1.67). In this study, electronic questionnaire form was used as data collection tool. E-forms were distributed to individuals who have replied to spread all across Turkey via social media and data across all of the survey were evaluated with consistency. Explanatory factor analysis (EFA) applied to the data set consisting of 86 items in total, 14 items with variance values less than 0.5 and factoring factors other than the expected factor removed from the data set, and EFA reapplied to the remaining 72 items and KMO (0.927) and the results of the Bartlett's sphericity tests found as (X2 = 33792.063, SD = 2556, p = 0.000). As the result of its analysis was suitable for the applicability of EFA, a total of 72 items and 17 factors were obtained as a result of EFA. Item-factor correlation was made to the factors obtained as a result of factor analysis. In order to evaluate the internal consistency of the scale, the Cronbach's Alpha coefficients of the sub-dimensions formed as a result of EFA, and the Pearson correlation coefficients to look at the relationship between the factors of the scale obtained, the results were questioned at the significance level of 0.01 and 0.05. Varimax rotation method was used in the study. Factors obtained as a result of EFA was named as; Family Relationship, Perceived Income Level, Physical Health, Work/School Life, Feeling Safe, Social Pressure, Time Allocation, Neighborhood Relation, Satisfaction with Living Environment, Satisfaction with Social Environment, Perceived Environmental Safety, Finding The Home Sufficient, Being Volunteer, Spiritual Life, Satisfaction with Education, Having Tools/Equipment and Well-Being. According to the results of the research, the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of the QoLS was found to be 0.957 and the variance explained by the scale as 72.832%. Confirmatory Factor Analysis also applied to the data set and statistically sufficient fit results obtained in all fit indices. Considering the aforementioned findings and results, it is possible to say that the developed QoLS is valid, reliable and sufficient for the Turkish population.


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