Is gifted education losing its value right now?

Is gifted education losing its value right now?

There are many studies on the change in the importance of gifted education throughout history. Why did nations give importance to gifted education in certain periods? So how important is this now? These issues also attract the attention of us writers. JGEDC is a platform where gifted education and creativity research are published and read. As an editor from this platform, we want to present our observations and show direction. Our editorial view on the increasing importance of gifted education and its support with congress and web applications is presented in this article.


  • Tortop, H.S. (2021). Education Program For The Gifted Students' Bridge With University (EPGBU) (Editors: Cristina Costa Lobo, Fernanda Hellen Ribeiro Piske, Tania Stoltz, Alberto Rocha). Identification and Enrichment Programs for Gifted Students, Germany: Lit Verlag