Investigating the critical thinking skills and autonomous learning of gifted students

This paper examines the characteristics of gifted students in the context of autonomous learning and critical thinking skills. It explores the historical background of gifted education in Turkey and highlights the importance of identifying and nurturing gifted learners for societal development. The study focuses on understanding how gifted students achieve success in autonomous learning and the potential impact of critical thinking skills on their autonomous learning. A quantitative research design was employed, and data were collected using validated scales measuring critical thinking disposition and autonomous learning. A total of 397 gifted learners from Art and Science Centres in Turkey participated in the study. The data were analysed using T-test, Pearson correlation and simple linear regression analysis. The findings reveal significant relationships between the age and gender of gifted students and their critical thinking skills and autonomous learning. Additionally, a positive relationship was observed between autonomous learning and critical thinking skills. The results also suggest that critical thinking skills have a predictive effect on autonomous learning. These findings contribute to the existing literature on gifted education and provide insights into the educational practices and support needed for gifted students. The study underscores the importance of individualised curriculum and differentiated teaching methods to cater to the unique learning needs and abilities of gifted students. By fostering autonomous learning and developing critical thinking skills, educators can enhance the educational experiences and outcomes of gifted students, promoting their personal growth and societal contributions. Additionally, findings reveal a strong positive relationship between Autonomous learning and the critical thinking of high-potential learners. Regression analysis showed that critical thinking is a good predictor for autonomous learning. Any change in critical thinking affects autonomous learning of highly able learners. There is no effect of gender on the said variables

Investigating the critical thinking skills and autonomous learning of gifted

This paper examines the characteristics of gifted students in the context of autonomous learning and critical thinking skills. It explores the historical background of gifted education in Turkey and highlights the importance of identifying and nurturing gifted learners for societal development. The study focuses on understanding how gifted students achieve success in autonomous learning and the potential impact of critical thinking skills on their autonomous learning. A quantitative research design was employed, and data were collected using validated scales measuring critical thinking disposition and autonomous learning. A total of 397 gifted learners from Art and Science Centres in Turkey participated in the study. The data were analysed using T-test, Pearson correlation and simple linear regression analysis. The findings reveal significant relationships between the age and gender of gifted students and their critical thinking skills and autonomous learning. Additionally, a positive relationship was observed between autonomous learning and critical thinking skills. The results also suggest that critical thinking skills have a predictive effect on autonomous learning. These findings contribute to the existing literature on gifted education and provide insights into the educational practices and support needed for gifted students. The study underscores the importance of individualised curriculum and differentiated teaching methods to cater to the unique learning needs and abilities of gifted students. By fostering autonomous learning and developing critical thinking skills, educators can enhance the educational experiences and outcomes of gifted students, promoting their personal growth and societal contributions. Additionally, findings reveal a strong positive relationship between Autonomous learning and the critical thinking of high-potential learners. Regression analysis showed that critical thinking is a good predictor for autonomous learning. Any change in critical thinking affects autonomous learning of highly able learners. There is no effect of gender on the said variables.


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