Introducing a Concept for Supporting Scientifically Gifted Students - the Osthushenrich-Center for Giftedness Research (OZHB) at the Department of Biology at Bielefeld University, Germany

Oftentimes, the promotion of scientifically gifted students in regular schools can constitute a great challenge for educators, the school system, as well as students themselves. The article introduces the Osthushenrich-Center for Giftedness Research (Osthushenrich-Zentrum für Hochbegabungsforschung an der Fakultät für Biologie, OZHB) at Bielefeld University, Germany (Head: Prof. Dr. Claas Wegner). The center aims at identifying, promoting, and helping scientifically gifted students in the region  to further nurture their talents. Through its three-part structure (research, counselling, and practice), existing approaches to the identification and education of gifted students are constantly evaluated and revised. The article will give an insight into the theoretical basis of the center as well as its structure and practical projects which are not only concerned with promoting scientifically gifted students but also offer training courses for educators to improve school practice.

Introducing a Concept for Supporting Academically Gifted Students -the Osthushenrich- Center for Giftedness Research (OZHB)

Oftentimes, the promotion of scientifically gifted students in regular schools can constitute a great challenge for educators, the school system, as well as students themselves. The article introduces the Osthushenrich-Center for Giftedness Research (Osthushenrich-Zentrum für Hochbegabungsforschung an der Fakultät für Biologie, OZHB) at Bielefeld University, Germany (Head: Prof. Dr. Claas Wegner). The center aims at identifying, promoting, and helping scientifically gifted students in the region  to further nurture their talents. Through its three-part structure (research, counselling, and practice), existing approaches to the identification and education of gifted students are constantly evaluated and revised. The article will give an insight into the theoretical basis of the center as well as its structure and practical projects which are not only concerned with promoting scientifically gifted students but also offer training courses for educators to improve school practice.


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