Global Self-Esteem in Adolescents: Mixed Method Research

Global Self-Esteem in Adolescents: Mixed Method Research

The aim of the research is to determine the level of global self-esteem of adolescents in Turkey. The study was carried out using a mixed model. In the quantitative part of the research the scale was applied to 361 students. The uni-dimensional model consisting of six items was found to be compatible in confirmatory factor analysis. In order to examine the psychometric properties of the scale , internal consistency, item and factor analysis studies were carried out. As a result of the reliability analysis, the Cronbach Alpha coefficient for the whole scale was found to be .78. According to the confirmatory factor analysis results, the uni-dimensional model of the scale was found to be suitable for the Turkish sample. ( Fit indices obtained as a result of confirmatory factor analysis of the scale; x² =29.89, sd =9, p =0.000, RMSEA=.08, NFI=.96, NNFI=.96, CFI=.97, IFI=.97, RFI= .94, AGFI=.94, GFI=.97, and SRMR=.37 .). As a result of the study, the scale was found to be reliable and valid as a tool used to measure the internalization of global self-esteem of students in their education processes in Turkey . In the qualitative part of the study, five questions prepared by the researchers were directed to 25 students. The results of the research were discussed within the scope of the literature.


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