Examination of the Relationship between Self-efficacy Levels of High School Students and Problem-solving Skills and Perceived Social Support

Examination of the Relationship between Self-efficacy Levels of High School Students and Problem-solving Skills and Perceived Social Support

This study examined the relationship between high school students' self-efficacy levels, problem-solving skills, and perceived social support. A total of 199 high school students, 152 women, and 47 men, participated in the study. Data were collected with the Self-Efficacy Beliefs Assessment Scale, the Problem Solving Skills Inventory, and the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. While correlation analysis was performed to determine the relationship between variables in the study, regression analysis was performed to determine whether social support and problem-solving skills predicted self-efficacy levels. In this context, first of all, the data were examined in terms of regression assumptions and it was seen that the data were suitable for regression analysis. Besides, whether the level of self-efficacy differed remarkably according to gender was examined with the independent sample t-test. As a result of the research; according to the correlation analysis, it was found that there is a negative relationship between self-efficacy and a hasty approach with one of the problem-solving skills, and a positive relationship with other problem-solving skills. On the other hand, as a result of the analysis, there was a positive relationship between the support of friends and self-efficacy, which is one of the sub-dimensions of perceived social support. Still, there was no significant relationship between family and an important person’s social support and self-efficacy. As a consequence of the regression analysis, it was discerned that the perceived social support types of friend social support and problem-solving skills of the hasty and evaluative approach significantly predicted the self-efficacy level of high school students. Yet, other problem-solving skills and social support types did not. Furthermore, as a result of the independent sample t-test, it was perceived that the self-efficacy level did not differ profoundly according to gender and the average self-efficacy levels of the girls were lower than the average of the self-efficacy levels of the boys.


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