Analysis of Biography-Based Activities in Values Education

Analysis of Biography-Based Activities in Values Education

This study aimed to examine the activities based on biography and local elements used in values education processes in primary schools. For this purpose, the study group of the research was selected by the purposeful sampling method. The study group of the research consists of 12 teachers working in primary schools in Erzurum in the 2020-2021 academic year. The research is a hermeneutic phenomenological study, one of the qualitative research models. In the research, data were collected through interviews and analyzed with content analysis. According to the results of the research, teachers think that the necessity and importance of values education in education and training is at a very high level. However, he thinks that the existing values education activities in schools are insufficient and should be further developed and enriched. In values education in schools, techniques such as watching videos, drama, painting, writing poems or texts, and narration are generally used. In addition to these, biographies of popular and national people and heroes and local elements and personalities are also used. Localization and biography-based techniques increase effectiveness and success in values education.


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