A Comparative Study About Teaching Pedagogical Courses - A Sample of England, USA and Turkey

A Comparative Study About Teaching Pedagogical Courses - A Sample of England, USA and Turkey

Pedagogic courses of teaching in USA, England and Turkey was aimed to analyze comparatively in the study. So, the pedagogic courses of the universities presenting each one of the countries which are selected according to the university success rankings were analyzed. The study is a comparative educa-tion research which is one of the types of qualitative research. Document analysis were used in the study as data collection and analysis method. The reports and written documents about the courses and the contexts of them were used as data collection instrument in document analysis. The compared co-untries were analyzed in terms of educational aims, the contexts of the courses, their practice forms and credits in the study. According to the results of the study, while turkey have some similarities with USA in terms of the contexts of the courses, it is seen to be parallel with England in terms of educational aims. Another result shows that the compulsory and selective courses in three countries have differenti-ated in terms of their practice forms besides their similarities.  


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