An Investigation into the Relationship between Turkish EFL Teachers’ Self-Efficacy and Burnout Level

An Investigation into the Relationship between Turkish EFL Teachers’ Self-Efficacy and Burnout Level

The present study investigates if any relationship between self-efficacy beliefs and burnout levels as well as the effect of demographic data such as gender, age, teaching experience, average number of students in classrooms on the three dimensions of teacher burnout (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment) and self-efficacy beliefs. 118 Turkish EFL teachers from primary, secondary, high schools and universities in many cities participated in the study. Data came from Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), and language teacher self-efficacy beliefs scale (Praver 2014). Findings showed that there was a significant positive relationship between self-efficacy and personal accomplishment and emotional exhaustion. On the other hand, the results showed a negative relationship between emotional exhaustion and personal accomplishment and a negative relationship between personal accomplishment and depersonalization. Generally, teachers felt sufficient, had high self-accomplishment and they had low burnout level. In addition, age and experience were also found to play an important role in personal accomplishment and self-efficacy. These findings have been discussed and implications given for further research.


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