Adaptation of Positive Mental Health Scale into Turkish: A Validity and Reliability Study

Adaptation of Positive Mental Health Scale into Turkish: A Validity and Reliability Study

In this paper, it was aimed to adapt the Positive Mental Health Scale (PMHS) into Turkish language. In total 360 university students with ages ranging from 18 to 25, participated in the research. Validity and reliability analysis were carried out after the linguistic equivalency of the scale was examined. The psychometric properties of the scale were examined by internal consistency, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, it comes in view that the scale has a single factor structure. Related to the PMHS, the internal consistency coefficient was found .85. In the context of the criterion-related validity, positive correlations were found between Positive Mental Health Scale (PMHS) and Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (OHQ), Psychological Well-being Scale (PWS) and Brief Resilience Scale (BRS). It is concluded that the PMHS is a valid and reliable instrument to measure positive mental health level of university students. 


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