A Rare Postoperative Complication of Acute Appendicitis: Portal Vein Thrombosis Required Small Intestine Resection

A Rare Postoperative Complication of Acute Appendicitis: Portal Vein Thrombosis Required Small Intestine Resection

This case report aims to present the diagnosis and treatment process of portal vein thrombosis, which occurred one week after laparoscopic appendectomy and required small bowel resection. A thirty-eight-year-old man was admitted with abdominal pain in the periumbilical and epigastric regions. He had a history of appendectomy and occlusive cerebrovascular disease. In the physical examination of the abdomen, tenderness was detected in the epigastric region on deep palpation. Leucocytosis, increased levels of alanine transaminase level, aspartate transaminase, gamma-glutamyl transferase, lactate dehydrogenase, c-reactive protein, and d-dimer were detected in laboratory analyses. CT scan revealed total thrombus in the portal vein, oedema in the segment of approximately 10 cm in the distal ileum, and free fluid in the pelvic region. Enoxaparin sodium was started. During follow-up, widespread defence and rebound in all quadrants of the abdomen occurred. 20 cm ileal resection with end ileostomy was performed. Enoxaparin sodium treatment was continued. On the 6th day of the service follow-up, the patient had left leg pain, and a subacute thrombus was detected in the main femoral, superficial femoral and deep femoral veins on doppler USG. Edoxaban tosylate 60 mg tablet every 24 hours started as an anti-coagulant treatment, and the patient was discharged without complications on the 18th day of hospitalisation.


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