The university staff experience of using a virtual learning environment as a platform for e-learning

The university staff experience of using a virtual learning environment as a platform for e-learning

Numerous Open Distance Electronic Learning (ODeL) institutions have embarked on using a virtual learning environment (VLE) as a platform to facilitate e-Learning. The purpose of this study was to explore university staff experience of using a VLE to study courses online. Connectivism theory was adopted as a guiding framework to explore the staff experiences of a VLE. As this study was empirical, a qualitative approach was used to a sample of seven staff members who studied e-courses using a VLE. Through unstructured interviews, data were gathered and thematically analysed. Trustworthiness in the study was credibly maintained. The main research question that guided the gathering of data was: what are the university staff members’ perceptions of the use of a VLE? The results revealed that the use of VLE assists in the development of digital skills and the participants are urged to embark on the design and online delivery of modules.


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