Today’s advanced economies which became a knowledge economy have witnessed to important structural variations since the recent past and pioneer sectors of economic activities create basic characteristics of this change. In this process, industrial economy based on natural resources and labor force has switched over agricultural economy accepted as a main production factor and knowledge based economy has taken its place by means of becoming knowledge a major factor among production factors. Knowledge based economy described as modern economy or new economy has centralized human and technology over economic development. Correspondingly, it is accepted as that an economic development is provided with some factors such as database, use of technology and adequate humane capital accumulation. High incomes which will lead enterprises such as minimizing production expenditure with new inventions in industrial fields, using new technologies at production field and first releasing to the market of some technological devices have confronted as a indicator in which how important economical intelligences are. Within this context, reflecting latest outlook of capitalism in change and transformation economy it is tried to figure out under the roof of economical intelligence in knowledge economy which come out as a new threat and threat perceptions.