The companies amortize according to the tax laws and accounting standards for their assets recorded in their actives.  The amounts calculated according to the useful life based on the standards and tax regulations and depreciation rates connected with it are ascertained and recognized as an expense pursuant to periodicity concept. Since the amounts recognized as an expense directly affects the profit and loss, it is important for the companies to calculate the useful life of their fixed assets and to determine and implement the proper method. Besides, current performance measurement methods confront us with different approaches and the methods being used enhances the success, value of the companies while being a guide. In this research, the effects on performance measurement methods of current depreciation procedures according to accounting standards has been analyzed and the issue has been tried to assessed by taking the energy industry into consideration. Within this scope, the performances in 2014-2015 of energy companies active in Istanbul Stock Exchange are examined based on Economical Added Value (EVA) and Cash Flow Return on Investment (CFROI) models and it was determined whether or not the companies has created value. 


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